# Generated from bson-1.3.1.gem by gem2rpm -*- rpm-spec -*- %global gemdir %(ruby -rubygems -e 'puts Gem::dir' 2>/dev/null) %global gemname rhc-rest %global geminstdir %{gemdir}/gems/%{gemname}-%{version} %if 0%{?fedora} >= 17 %global rubyabi 1.9.1 %else %global rubyabi 1.8 %endif Summary: Ruby bindings for OpenShift REST API Name: rubygem-%{gemname} Version: 0.0.7 Release: 2%{?dist} Group: Development/Libraries License: ASL 2.0 URL: http://openshift.redhat.com Source0: http://rubygems.org/gems/%{gemname}-%{version}.gem BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: ruby(abi) = %{rubyabi} BuildRequires: rubygems Requires: ruby(abi) = %{rubyabi} Requires: rubygems Requires: rubygem(json) Requires: rubygem(rest) Provides: rubygem(%{gemname}) = %{version} %description Ruby bindings for OpenShift REST API %package doc Summary: Documentation for %{name} Group: Documentation Requires:%{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description doc Documentation for %{name} %prep #%setup -q -c -T %build %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gemdir} gem install --local --install-dir %{buildroot}%{gemdir} \ --bindir .%{_bindir} \ --force %{SOURCE0} # Bug with the current GEM, these will be fixed next version cd %{buildroot}%{gemdir}/gems/%{gemname}-%{version} rm -f doc/doc/created.rid rmdir doc/doc chmod 0664 doc/images/*.png chmod 0755 bin/sample-usage.rb %files %doc %{gemdir}/gems/%{gemname}-%{version}/LICENSE %{gemdir}/ %files doc %doc %{gemdir}/doc/%{gemname}-%{version} %changelog * Wed Apr 11 2012 Wesley Hearn - 0.0.7-2 - Cleaned up the spec file to comply with Fedora packaging guidelines * Mon Apr 09 2012 Wesley Hearn - 0.0.7-1 - Initial package